هكذا يذهبون إلى المدرسة


ماذا يفعل الاطفال في بعض بلدان العالم للوصول الى المدرسة؟؟

نحن نعيش في عالم من التفاوت الذي لا يصدق. في حين أن آخرين في العالم يتمتعون بالعديد من الكماليات والرفاهية في الحياة، وينمو أطفالهم دون خوف او نزاع ، بينما يتوجب على آخرين الكفاح من أجل أدنى منفعة اساسية في حياتهم .

 لذا إذا شكى أحد أطفالك لدى  الذهاب إلى المدرسة، ارهم  ما بحدث للأطفال في أجزاء أخرى من العالم الآخر وماذا يفعلون للحصول على فرصة التعليم. وهذا هو مسار حياتهم اليومية للوصول الى المدرسة.

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way to school in   third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to   school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries
way to school in third world countries

اترك تعليقاً

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